Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm Back! (literally)

Hahah...I'm back! (is that good or bad? & Does anyone even care abt it?)

Ok...I shall not blog abt last weekend because I don't have any pictures
Yah... no Pictures = no FUN = Totally Not ISZWAN!

First Thing First!...Finally I can have my break! Yah...I've been waiting for that for like so many donkey days & for the first time I've my holiday nicely planned out.(though it's a bit mundane)
For the past week...nothing extraordinary really happened (still recalling...)
Oh Yah...I injured my knee! No offense...Jon is a hell of a MVP player!
Not to be's...MOST VIOLENT PLAYER... Luckily,on that day he had a good mood...or else...I wouldn't be sitting down here, typing THIS! But I think Jon played a superb game...he outwitted,outsmarted and out-muscled everyone!
Although...he injured his knee too...mine was the worst!!
SEE for yourself!

I have two bruises! Jon only have one! (hahah)

picture by Jon

For the record...the past three days (Monday to Wednesday)...I was on a movie marathon!(serious no kiddin)...I only slept for like 5hrs a day for the past three days...then I continued.I did have my toilet & meal break squeezed in and (surprisingly)I still could find some strength left in me to play soccer. These were the movies...(in no particular order):
1)A walk to remember
2)Fever Pitch
4)Otai (Malay movie)
5)Jangan Pandang Belakang (Malay movie)
6)Waris Jari Hantu (Malay movie)
7) A millionaire's first love (Korean movie)
8)Windstruck(Korean movie)
9) Ah Long PTE LTD (hahah)

Hahah...(crazy right?)...well that's me! I think the best movie was Waris Jari Hantu or in English is 'Heir of the ghost' ( i guess so...). Initially,I was expecting a some kind of a horror movie (I even had my blanket ready! Hahah)...even the Title sounded spooky! Actually It was a romantic movie (with a capital R!) with only a little bit of horror squeezed into it.

Yah, it was a very sad(made me cried like a baby)-unexpected(I didnt expect it)-romantic(the leading actress is hot!)-horror(luckily didn't scare the shit out of me) movie! I dont really understand why the male protagonist didn't choose to love the leading star Maya Karin (in the movie) rather than becoming a _____ (no spoilers!).I guess that's life! Everyone has a choice to love or not to love someone.But c'mon lah it's Maya Karin! This guy is really an idiot! (ok...It's just a movie).

Hmmm...I guess that's another post and episode of my life! Right now...I'm on a reading marathon! (: And I shall blog what I've read! TATA!

This Wednesday...Pulau Ubin or Botanic Garden?... quick(!) make your decision. Don't tell Michelle! Shh...

"Mengartikan dirimu di dalam hatiku

Betapa ku sesali adanya dirimu

Haruskah ku bertahan demi cinta ini

Yang tak mungkin..."


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