Thursday, September 4, 2008

Forth Day... Money Talks!

Hello World! It's forth day of Ramadan and I've started to become restless and Boooooooooored!

Well people, according to my clock it's 16oohr now! Okay I lied!...I rounded off to the nearest hour! hahah (not funny!).
In actual fact...I'm supposed to get moving to somewhere-far-away NOW, meeting my classmates to have DINNER and since it's the Ramadan,BREAK FAST TOGETHER LAH~ or in other words class outing lah!
However, as You people can see for yourself I'm typing this as at 1620hr (yes I rounded it to the nearest minute!)...that shows I just DITCHED my classmates! Wait, it sounded incorrect. I'M GONNA DITCHED MY CLASSMATES SOON...Hahah. That's sounded better! Well, I'm supposed to meet THEM at 1900hr at somewhere-far-away but now it's 1628 hr (I rounded it to the nearest 0.0 second!) Well, I've a feeling my phone gonna start ringing sooooon! So I guess I'll get hate mails, Death Threats, Love Letters (fat hope!) PEANUT on my face when school reopens and tons of cruelty from my classmates! Hahah. I just kidding lah! Why would my Beautiful classmates who are fun, loving, caring and so many BEAUTIFUL THINGS to say, would do such things to Me (except Love Letters). Right? You guys won't do such thing at Me.Right? (Shit! Mati Aku!) O.O

Well, I believe my words aren't that convincing.So I'm gonna defend MYSELF! Okay,the reason that I'm (may) not present (by the time You people read this paragraph, maybe I would be somewhere-far-away, isolating myself from my classmates in hoping that they would totally have forgotten about this issue) IS BECAUSE OF MONEY! Well, I don't have issue paying $28 for good food but the PROBLEM...where the HELL am I getting that money from! If I rob the bank now, most probably the back officer would say...

"Err...excuse me,can You please come and rob the bank tmr.We're about to closed"

Hahah...okay not funny!Well people I'm dead BROKE! And I don't think my mom would be pleased that I'll be breaking fast somewhere-far-away.Well it was nice of Haris to offer me $10 but, seriously I don't want to further increase the number of DEBT[s] I've now! Furthermore there is another issue...well I'd a conversation with Louis-uck!

Me: "Eh Girl-friend, are You going to the outing?"
L :"Err... I don't know Boy-friend. How about you?"
Me:" I'm F***ing Broke! I don't think I'm coming"
L :"Same as Me."
Me:"Why are you not coming? Don't tell Me You'll be missing Me? Don't worry there's Brother Boon to entertain You" [hahah...that's funny!]
L :"Ah Yah... no lah! I think, later surely there's misunderstanding and commotion!"
Me:"Why...there's Boon's number One* Brother to safeguard the dinner what!"
L :"Ah Yah...that one huh? Nice joke lah Boy-friend. Okay, the reason that there will be misunderstanding and commotion is because surely someone never brought or failed to pay the full amount of Money ,and then misunderstanding happened! At the end of the day, somebody will have to pay more ,and this will disrupt the atmosphere!"
Me:"Wah...You're Right! No wonder lah...I sayang You!" [I feel like vomiting!]

Okay, I admit I edited the conversation ,and (yah) We're deeply in Love with each other. Hahah! Well,certainly it's not Me who will be the Villain in this story ,but anyway I'm going to be a Villain soon (maybe) since I'm (maybe not) ditching my classmates. SIGH~ Money is the issue here...I guess money speaks louder than anything!

Should I go or Not? There's less than 2hrs for me to decide...

"Eh, that's the bus 147...!"


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