Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tenth Day... Pathetically-Disorder

Oh hello World... I'm feeling a bit gloomy down here...

My throat is really really killing Me! It's 1700hr now.Two hours left to break-Fast and I've been staring at the clock for the past minutes (I've totally forgotten, how long) ,and somehow,someway,somewhat it feels like the clock is moving slowly than usually or isn't moving at all!! Okay, I'm exaggerating...

I regretted playing soccer just now! I guess Stupid People do Stupid Stuff and I (sadly) fall into that category. Oh yah...btw I'm FASTING leh and I'm totally dehydrated now. Oh my dear Clock, can you move a bit faster. Have some compassion on Me. Okay, with that, I've gone from being dehydrated to Super Pathetic! See...I'm talking to the clock! Oh yah...I've been promoted from Pathetic to Super Pathetic! Hahah.

The first start of week has already gone Topsy-turvey! Hahah. Okay... I don't want to talk about Monday. It's embarrassing ): And Tuesday? Let me recall... Hmm... why don't We go to Today (Wednesday) instead. I had Science Practical ,and it's fine.I had some problems with Physic Pratical though ,but Chemistry Practical was a smooth call. Well, how about Thursday,Friday and Weekends? Hmm...I've a feeling that my run with Patheticalness will not be over too soon. Hahah. I'
ve a premonition something bad gonna happen. Yah, I've been having wet dreams, (arggh) beg your pardon, I mean wierd dreams.I hope it's just a dream and nothing more. And btw My dreams are rated at PG! Hahah. So don't think dirty!

Okay with that... I'm left with only an hour to break-Fast. Do you think, if I replace the battery of the clock to Energiser, it would move faster?

34days left to 'O'...

"Teacher, I don't have a google..."


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